Instructions for safe use of water

On this page, you will find information and instructions on how to proceed if you are required to boil tap water in your area due to a boil water advisory issued by a health protection authority.
Why is the advisory issued?
It is usually issued as a precautionary measure due to potential impurities entering the water supply system because of low pressure. Boiling water destroys bacteria.
How can I use water?
Boil the water
Boil the water in a saucepan for at least 5 minutes. After boiling the water, it is safe to drink and use for cooking. You can also drink boiled water after it has cooled down. Also boil the water you put in your coffee maker or kettle.
Wash as usual
You can use the toilet or wash it normally. You can also wash your hands and take a shower. You can wash laundry and dishes. After doing washing the dishes, dry them thoroughly
Please also note
Make ice cubes from boiled water. Rinse vegetables, salads and fruit with boiled and cooled water. Do not use beverage dispensers connected to the building's water supply.
Can water be used for making coffee?
Coffee is brewed in pre-boiled water because water does not get hot enough in the coffee maker. In addition, the brewing time in the coffee maker is not long enough to destroy any bacteria in the water.
Can food be rinsed with unboiled water?
Food such as vegetables or fruits should not be rinsed with unboiled water. Vegetables and fruits eaten raw are rinsed with boiled and cooled water.
Can teeth be brushed with unboiled water?
Teeth should be brushed with boiled water.
Can water be used for bathing and laundry?
Water can be used for bathing. However, avoid getting water in the mouth or eyes. Similarly, laundry can be washed in water.
Can dishes be washed with unboiled water?
Dishes can be washed with unboiled water. Dishes can be used after washing when they have dried thoroughly or are carefully dried.
Can hands be washed with unboiled water?
Hands can be washed with unboiled water. Dry your hands thoroughly afterwards.
Can unboiled water be offered to production animals or pets during the boil water advisory?
It is not recommended to give water contaminated with faeces to animals due to the risk of disease. The quality of drinking water for animals is the responsibility of the primary producer, and for pets, the responsibility of the owner/carer.
Can unboiled water be used for cleaning?
Unboiled water can be used for cleaning. Allow surfaces that come into contact with food to dry thoroughly before use.
Do you need to add a substance to the cleaning water?
Normal cleaning agents are sufficient.
If I live in a neighbouring area with a different postal code, can water be safely consumed?
If you live outside the boil water advisory area, it means your water supply is routed differently and water does not need to be boiled.
What should one do if they have already consumed several decilitres of water? What symptoms should prompt a visit to the health centre?
If symptoms occur and there is suspicion that they are due to water consumption, it is advisable to contact the health centre if experiencing high fever, severe diarrhoea, or deteriorating general condition.
When returning from vacation after a boil water advisory, is there anything special to do at home, like flushing water?
It is always recommended to run tap water before use, especially if the water has been stagnant in the pipes for longer periods.