Sortti Stations and other Sortti recycling services

Bring us your waste. We'll ensure that all possible materials are recycled, creating something new or useful every time. On this page, you'll find general instructions and important links. Let's recycle together!

Sortti Stations and other Sortti recycling services

Bring us your waste. We'll ensure that all possible materials are recycled, creating something new or useful every time. On this page, you'll find general instructions and important links. Let's recycle together!

Opening hours

Sortti Stations are open Mon–Fri from 7 am to 9 pm. The Konala Sortti Station and the Ruskeasanta Sortti Station are also open Sat–Sun from 11 am to 6 pm

The Sortti Mini Station in Koivukylä is open Mon–Fri from 9 am to 9 pm and Sat–Sun from 10 am to 6 pm.

As of January 2025, the Konala and Ruskeasanta Sortti Stations will open at 11 a.m. on weekends.

Please check the Sortti Stations’ own pages for non-standard opening hours:

Kivikko Sortti Station Konala Sortti Station Jorvas Sortti Station Ruskeasanta Sortti Station Ämmässuo Sortti Station Koivukylä Sortti Mini Station

Prices and payment

For using self-service devices at the Sortti Stations

General instructions

Instructions for companies

We serve companies under certain conditions at Sortti Stations. We accept commercial hazardous waste only at the Kivikko Hazardous Waste Reception Station. Reception is subject to a charge.