Circular Green Blocks - Sustainable city quarters as circular economy business promoters
In two-year partnership project tests and pilots of sustainable solutions of circular and sharing economies are elaborated together with housing companies and companies which support green growth. The experiments and pilots are related to sustainable mobility, sharing, yard improvement and urban farming, as well as circular economy-themed event production. The principles of co-development are utilized in solutions and customization. The project utilizes 360-degree photography as well as 3D modeling to illustrate various solution options and plans.
Sustainable and housing-friendly solutions for urban areas
The project helps companies to identify and develop business opportunities that promote the circular and sharing economy at the block level, and housing companies to realize their potential to implement circular economy solutions in their own real estate and nearby neighborhood. The main target group of the project is companies developing solutions that support digitalization, green growth and utilize new technologies, as well as housing companies that potentially utilize these solutions.
The circular and sharing economy meet in blocks
Solutions for the circular and distribution economy are being tested in several pilot blocks in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The pilots and other solutions to be tested are based on the needs that arise in pilot projects in housing association cooperation. The project will develop demonstrations based on housing-specific 360-degree photography, 3D modeling and accurate digital environmental information, which will be presented to both potential service providers and housing associations.
Developing solutions with target groups
The aim of the project is to promote sustainable, innovative and profitable solutions in the circular and sharing economy through experimentation, piloting and co-development. The operation of the project will create an understanding of the introduction of services utilizing the digital services of housing companies at the block level and provide practical examples of the preconditions for housing companies to implement solutions. At the same time, companies' understanding of implementing solutions among several housing companies is improving.
Basic information about the project
- The duration of the project is from 1 September 2021 to 31 August 2023.
- The partners are the Helsinki Region Environmental Services, Forum Virium Helsinki, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences and Aalto University.
- The project is supported by a grant from the European Regional Development Fund. The funding is part of the EU-REACT priority, ie the project will be funded as part of the European Union's response to the covid-19 pandemic.
- The project will also receive funding from the City of Helsinki.
- The financial supervisory authority is the Association of Uusimaa.
- In addition to partners and financiers, the implementation of the project will be guided by representatives from the Finnish Environment Institute, the Landscape Architecture Office Näkymä, the Housing Club project Taloyhtiöklubi, Omago, Rönkä Consulting, Kierrätyskeskus, Y-Säätiö and VAV asunnot.
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