Air protection and health

We have compiled information about health hazards caused by various air pollutants on our website. The health hazards of air pollution are the result of exposure to harmful substances in the air. Air quality varies in different areas of the capital region. On our website you can see how air quality varies in different environments and how you can reduce your exposure to air pollution.

We communicate air quality through the Air Quality Index. When air quality is poor, health effects are possible in sensitive people. The index is based on guidelines, limit values and thresholds for air quality. There are many national and European regulations on the quality of ambient air that aim to ensure a clean and healthy living environment. If a limit value is exceeded, the municipality must draw up and implement an air quality plan to get below the limit value.

On our website, you can also see what air quality in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area is like compared to other European cities and what the challenges of air quality are now and in the future?